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About Technology Gurantee and Technology Appraisal About Technology Gurantee and Technology AppraisalTechnology Gurantee - Overview1. For SMEs, obtaining lending facilities of the financial institutions, in particular commercial banks, constitute an essential part of their growth strategy. 문장구조분석 : 부사구 (obtaining lending facilities of the financial institutions) 주어, 부사구, constitute V3타동사 (an essential part) 목적어 [of their growth strategy.] 형용사구직해.. 2016. 10. 27.
[단어] 마인드맵핑 Package VOCA A-31 to A-60 10.24(월) A31-A36 A31 잘못이나 상처를 가져오게 한 원인을 불쾌하거나 반감의 심기를 직접적으로 다양하게 표출하는 명사 Anger rage fury indignation wrath ire Anger 노여움, 화 In a moment of anger Filled with anger at that he saw His wallet was stolen, and he was very angry about it. Fury 격분, 맹위나 맹렬함 In a fury, she struck him a blow Indignation 분노, 의분, 분개 Indignation against a wrethed person Cruelty to animals aroused indignation Wrath 분노, 격노 A .. 2016. 10. 24.
Green Guilt By Stephen T. Asma - The chronicle of Higher Education Friedrich nietzsche was the first to notice that religious emotions, like guilt and indignation, are still with us, even if we're not religious. He claimed that we were living in a port-Christian world- the church no linger dominates political and economic life-but we, as a culture, are still dominated by Jedeo-Christian values. And those values are not obvious-they are not the Ten Commandments .. 2016. 10. 23.
전치사 이미지론(명사와 명사의 연결에 필요한 전치사를 이미지로 떠올리기) 전치사에 대하여,전치사는 한국어의 조사와 같은 간어로 명사와 명사를 연결하는 기능을 한다.전치사에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 포스팅에![한글의 조사인 영어의 전치사 활용하기]http://shiningmoon90.tistory.com/158 학생수업student_____class 수업중인 학생student in class 사실사건the fact_______an accident사건에 대한 사실the fact about an accident "문장에서 동사가 하나의 장면을 설정하고, 주어가 주체자, 목적어가 주체에게 당하는 대상을 설정한다면, 전치사는 시간, 장소, 도구, 이유, 목적, 양보 등을 나타낸다" : 의미론적 접근- he cut a tree with an axe in the forest with a .. 2016. 10. 22.